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What Is Spinal Epidural Abscess?

Person laying in a hospital bed
Very few ordinary people recognize spinal epidural abscess for what it is and what problems may arise. Doctors must recognize this condition, but some medical professionals in the industry don’t have training in advanced diseases.Spinal epidural abscess is a severe disease. It’s crucial to recognize what the symptoms are and why an accurate diagnosis is so important. Misdiagnosis of spinal epidural abscess can have disastrous consequences for the patient involved.

Where Does Spinal Epidural Abscess Occur?

In most situations, spinal epidural abscess occurs in the person’s lumbar or thoracic area. To find the condition, doctors must order an MRI, as well as cultures from the area where the disease exists.

What’s the Underlying Factor of Spinal Epidural Abscess?

Most situations of spinal epidural abscess involve bacterial infections that are either remote or contiguous. For instance, there may be a pressure ulcer (contiguous) or endocarditis (remote) infection that is present.

What are the Symptoms?

There are a few different symptoms that become present when someone has spinal epidural abscess, including the following:

  • Back pain that is local to the area where the condition occurs
  • Tenderness around the infected area
  • High fever
  • Spinal cord compression

Some of the conditions stemming from spinal epidural abscess resemble other diseases. For instance, leg paralysis and bowel dysfunction may indicate multiple conditions. Doctors must ensure they’re providing the right diagnosis when they see the symptoms of spinal epidural abscess.

Doctors may prescribe antibiotics to treat the condition. However, if the disease causes neurologic compromise, the doctor must drain the area as quickly as possible.

At Brown & Barron, our Baltimore medical malpractice lawyers recognize the importance of doctors diagnosing spinal epidural abscess accurately. Patients who suffer long-term harm may have the right to file a lawsuit against the attending doctor to pursue compensation.

Call (410) 886-6621 today to discuss your potential case with our legal team.
