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Talcum Powder Diseases

A recent deluge of lawsuits from around the country have alleged that the manufacturers of popular “baby powder” used dangerous talcum powder in their product. These lawsuits arrive in the wake of a December report from Reuters, which found evidence that medical giant Johnson & Johnson failed to warn users of the increased risk of ovarian cancer and mesothelioma tied to using their product, despite knowing that talcum powder may have been dangerous for decades. Many women have used talc-based powder for personal hygiene over the years, increasing the possibility of breathing it in during daily use, or ingesting it through the genital area via sanitary napkins or condomsPlaintiffs’ attorneys allege that manufactures had been aware of a potential link between using talcum powder and developing ovarian cancer and/or mesothelioma for over 40 years, despite saying nothing to consumers. According to the lawsuits, women who use talcum powder on a frequent basis for personal hygiene have a 30% higher chance of getting cancer, with ovarian cancer standing as a major risk in particular. Internal reports from Johnson & Johnson also indicate that their talcum powder may have contained asbestos, creating a possible link to mesothelioma, too.Already, juries around the country have awarded millions of dollars to plaintiffs suing talcum powder manufacturers who failed to warn people of the dangers associated with this product. In one example, a jury in 2017 awarded $417 million to a woman dying of Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer, who had been using baby powder on a daily basis from the 1950s through 2016.

Stand Up to Corporate Interests, Hire Brown & Barron Today

If you or someone you know may have developed ovarian cancer or mesothelioma from talcum powder use, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact our Baltimore talcum powder attorneys at Brown & Barron, LLC as soon as possible. We have a long history of securing favorable results for clients, recovering over $30 million for those we represented in 2017 and 2018 alone. Our skilled lawyers have years of experience in the product liability field, and are committed to holding negligent parties responsible for reckless behavior. If you are looking for compassionate representation for your specialized legal needs, contact Brown & Barron today, and let us start fighting for you.

Call 24/7 to schedule a free consultation at (410) 698-1717, or contact us online to begin your journey towards justice.
