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Stroke Misdiagnosis: Impact On A Patient’S Health

Patient speaking to a doctor
A stroke can be a scary thing to experience. This condition occurs because of an artery blockage preventing blood flow to a person’s brain. When it happens, brain cells die, and the individual suffers significant long-term damage.All parties, especially medical professionals, should know what symptoms indicate a stroke. Without knowledge of these symptoms, it’s easy for doctors to misdiagnose a stroke. However, the misdiagnosis can leave the patient with life-altering consequences.

The Symptoms of a Stroke

When someone suffers a stroke, they may display the following symptoms:

  • Paralysis on one side of the body
  • Severe headaches
  • Weak limbs
  • Slurred speech
  • Blurred vision
  • Fainting
  • Confusion

A doctor must recognize these symptoms and order tests quickly and accurately. If the doctor fails to test for a stroke and misdiagnoses the condition, there are long-term damages the patient may experience as a result.

Misdiagnosing a Stroke

When a doctor misdiagnoses a stroke, the patient may experience life-altering conditions as a result. Failure to treat the condition can lead to brain injury, paralysis, convulsions, memory problems, and more.

Stroke victims are at risk of more dangerous strokes. They have difficulty swallowing, speaking, reading, writing, and understanding. In the worst-case scenario, a stroke misdiagnosis can result in fatal damages.

Some of the other long-term effects can include:

  • Memory problems
  • Motor function troubles
  • Depression
  • Pain
  • Behavioral changes

Doctors must get their diagnosis right to help treat a serious condition, such as a stroke.

At Brown & Barron, we recognize how serious these matters are. We protect the rights of our clients to pursue the maximum compensation available following a misdiagnosis. Doctors must accept accountability when their actions cause significant harm.

Our Baltimore medical malpractice attorneys are ready to step in and provide the strong advocacy our clients need to take on the medical professional and his or her insurance provider. Let us put together a plan of action with one goal in mind: justice.

Call us at (410) 886-6621 today.
