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Johnson & Johnson Opposes Talcum Powder Cancer Case Dismissal

In the latest development of Johnson & Johnson’s talc-related legal woes, the corporation voiced its’ resistance to the plaintiff law firm’s desire to drop the case. Instead, Johnson & Johnson would rather continue with the case and attempt to defend their position in court.There are currently over 14,000 lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson — plaintiffs claim that the use of the company’s talc-containing products, such as baby powder, caused them to develop ovarian cancer and other ailments. Past civil suits have resulted in successful verdicts for plaintiffs, including a class action case brought on by the same attorneys (of the Lanier Law Firm) that are involved in the case awaiting dismissal or approval. Attorney W. Mark Lanier represented 22 women in Missouri who claimed to have gotten cancer from using Johnson & Johnson talcum powders, and the case resulted in a $4.69 billion verdict.

The United States Justice Department is developing a criminal case to determine if Johnson & Johnson was aware that their talcum powders could cause cancer, yet hid the risks from consumers.

The lawsuit that may be dismissed involves an attempt by the Lanier Law Firm to make warning labels mandatory on all Johnson & Johnson talc products. Under the state of California Proposition 65 law, all items which are known to include cancer-causing substances must be labeled as such. Johnson & Johnson has persistently defended the safety of their products, and plans to keep doing so by continuing with the Lanier Law Firm case. According to a report from Bloomberg, the decision is also based on Johnson & Johnson’s hope that the law firm will not have “a chance to refile the suit with more defendants.” If the case dismissal is denied, Johnson & Johnson and the Lanier Law Firm could enter the courtroom for a jury trial in October.

If you or a family member was injured due to the negligence of a corporation or other party, contact Brown & Barron, LLC for a free case evaluation. Call (410) 698-1717 or send us a message to reach our attorneys.