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HIV & AIDS Drugs Linked To Serious Kidney Injuries

Different colored drugs
HIV and AIDS are not the death sentence they once were. In 2019, more than 1 million Americans live with the disease and rely with their entire being on various drugs aimed at helping patients survive. However, recent developments claim HIV/AIDS patients may have been injured by the drugs meant to help and heal.

Which Drugs Are Being Named?

If you have taken a drug known as Viread, Truvada, Stribild, Atripla, or Complera, you may be in danger of permanent bone and kidney damage. These 5 HIV drugs, all manufactured, marketed, and sold by Gilead Sciences, contain tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), which has previously been linked to bone and kidney injuries.

The following medical complications have been linked to these dangerous drugs, including:

  • Bone fractures, osteoporosis, tooth loss, and overall loss of bone density
  • Chronic Kidney Disease or declining kidney function
  • Acute kidney injury or acute renal failure

Moreover, the evidence is now mounting that Gilead Sciences knew these drugs were dangerous. Lawsuits claimed these drugs are unreasonably and unnecessarily toxic to bones and kidneys. The suits have also claimed the Gilead knew a less toxic alternative was available yet withheld this less toxic alternative from the public. The suits finally claim Gilead failed to adequately warn doctors and patients about the safe use of these drugs.

Seeking a Baltimore Dangerous Drug Injury Lawyer? Contact Us

Patients struggling with chronic illness place their lives in the hands of medical professionals and drug manufacturers to keep them healthy and alive. When this fails to happen, our dangerous drug injury attorneys of Brown & Barron, LLC can help. We have proudly served Baltimore for over 50 years and will continue to uphold our standards of excellence and advocacy.

If you have taken an HIV/AIDs drug and suffered from bone or kidney problems, you may be entitled to compensation for all you have endured. Call (410) 698-1717 for a free case consultation.
